Thursday 16 June 2011

A2 Media - Introduction

In today's lesson, we have been given the choice of 3 briefs for our coursework task. A music video, trailer for a movie or a short movie with two extra media products for them ranging from posters for the films to radio adverts. For my brief, I have chosen the trailer with a magazine cover and film poster for the supporting documents and have decided work individually to avoid any clashes with originally ideas between group members. I have already thought about possible ideas with my main focus on a supernatural vampire style film which provides oppertunity for an interesting varity of shots and possible effects without becoming too complicated or cliched if for example the fangs are cheap looking  compared to some sets which look much more realistic and the same in price. I know shooting a trailer can be quite difficult due to prior planning of the majority of the plot needed for the film then only choosing pieces to film and edit together but I have a reasonably clear idea of the plot for my film and the right parts to actual shoot for it. I will upload my storyboards so far on my trailer and also intial ideas with a plot overview when the sheets have been scanned in.


  1. yoooo thats crayZee

  2. please shit apon my balls my leoighe

  3. i have now hit post nutty clarity and i apologise.

    i did this for you, my boy
