Thursday 16 June 2011

Initial ideas - Trailer for a film

The idea I have for my trailer is to do a vampire film. I chose this type of film as its open to interpretation as there is no vampire genre, it instead falls into a number of genres depending on the route taken. It originally started out as horror when done in the early films by Universal which adapted Bram Stoker's Dracula. Yet it moved into science fiction in films like The Omega Man and the recent Daybreakers when vampirism was explained through biological means in these titles. So this gives much more freedom to subvert the genre into how I want and also blend it with other messages or genres that would help it appeal to my target audience.

With my trailer, I want to take a more "Blade" style approach by instead having either a horror orientated plot where the vampire is seen as nothing more then a monster by the audience or one where a virus infects the world, changing it into a word filled with vampires. I want to show a world where vampires have actually blended into society but are secretly plotting to take over like in "Blade" where the world may look fine on the surface but if you dig deeper, you see the truth and how things that should belong in fiction actually exist. However, I don't want to portray all vampires as villains and monsters but I want to show how vampirism itself is either a curse or a gift, depending on how its used. This will be shown in my clip by the two characters, Matt and Dacrual. Matt is the one who portrays it as a curse as he had committed various evil acts when he was first turned, revealing in the chaos he brought thanks to his supernatural abilities. He is later changed when after killing someone who was preventing Dacrual's plan to revive a sort of messiah for vampires, he has a change of heart when Elizabeth, the one he killed, showed him how to be human again and proceeds to be haunted by all the people he has killed over the centuries. Now a regretful man, he decides to use his powers to prevent Dacrual ever raising the Queen by protecting Elizabeth's bloodline who are the only ones who have the power to. So the audience will this broken state to the character by his more archaic attire, his jaded personality and disturbed past that follows him around when he failed to save one of the descendants. This makes the audience emphasise with the character as he tries to atone for his past crimes but finds it hard as his nature is not meant to be one filled with regret and sorrow.

In contrast with the Dacrual character, the audience will a much more monstrous side to vampirism. This character utterly reveals in this "gift" which allows him to live for forever, doing whatever he wants when he wants. While Matt despises killing unless he has to or it's a monster, Dacrual does it for the thrill and enjoys the suffering he causes. This creates a dilemma with the audience as while both are monsters themselves, one fights to stop the more evil and rejects his nature but the other is simply following his so it creates a question as how you can blame the character when he is programmed to do this as they need blood to survive, creating the gift and curse debate. Also another part of his character is hinted at by his desire to raise the Queen even though it will damage humanity which is food source. The character has been around for centuries and it is to suggest that maybe he is tired of living for so long, connoting some humanity is left within him but maybe he hates humanity completely and wants to see it end with his own eyes.

The other character that will predominately be displayed in my trailer will be Rose Nightley who is an FBI agent and a the descendant of Elizabeth Nightley. She used to a more caring person until her twin sister was murdered a year ago on her birthday, turning her an angry, bitter mess. This makes her more reckless which leads to her discovering the truth about vampires. She is the one who Matt watches after he failed to protect Rose's sister Celina who knew all about the hidden world. Unlike most female characters, she is not the usual victim all the time as she is more highly trained and independent making her more capable compared to some characters in vampire films like in "Twilight" the female character falls in love with the vampire and it all resolves about her doing whatever it takes to be with him, creating an awkward romance style vampire film as she is depicted as single minded in her pursuit and rather frail. I didn't want this, I wanted a more headstrong character who will appeal to a much greater audience and do something different with the genre as most vampire films usually have a male lead. I wanted to create two characters both male and female which show they are alike in terms of their qualities and also humanize Matt as he sees Rose willing to put herself on the line without any abilities because its the right thing to do, not just for revenge even though it motivates her to a degree which shows some flaws to her and making her a more believable character in the process. This strong female character also creates a positive role model and would attract more female viewers whilst also attracting male audiences with the more grown up style of film, similar to "Blade" rather then "Twilight" but less focused on gore and on the thriller style action as vampires want to raise the Queen which will decimate humanity.

After scanning various pieces of work, I found a mind map I did of potential ideas with me choosing the Vampire idea due to obviously sounding more interesting to do and if somewhat challenging as it is very easy to make it look cheap and unconvincing if not planned or simply rushed and no thought put into props as they can make or break the versimlitude of a vampire film.

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