Thursday 7 July 2011

Research Task - Film Poster of The Lost Boys

In this film poster, we see a different style of genre combined with the vampire aspect. In this case it is more of a teen film evident by the young cast displayed in the poster and even the title itself which is a reference to the story of "Peter Pan" and "Neverland". This reference is also made by the tag line which includes the phrase "Never grow old, never die" which is similar to what peter pan says in the story about neverland. This makes vampirisim sound more glamorous, compared to other films which represent it is negative by the way it turns you into a monster but the tag line says "Sleep all day, party all night", things which at the time would appeal to the dream ideal of teenagers at that time so it does all it can to attract its intended audience and puts an interesting spin of the curse/gift which seems to prevalent many vampire films recently. The cast in the poster are also dressed in a "rock star" style fashion which again, was big at the time the film was made and a common craze that all teenagers followed, showing the very specific target audience the film is trying to capture. So with this teen styled film, it will obviously be suited and aimed towards a younger audience but still retain the horror created by the vampire side of the film, creating a unique blend of genres compared to usual vampire films which are either action/horror or just horror.

When looking at the colours and typography, we see traditional elements that are present in most, if not all, vampire films and posters. The background is red, the main signifier of all vampire films as it connotes blood, the things vampire need to survive so the audience immediately know that it is a vampire film. Also with all the characters dressed in black, it immediately connotes them as the vampires in the film from the usual connotations of black like them being evil and twisted from the power they gain from being turned but with the point from above about the rockstar style, it again tries to glamourise the idea of being immortal like rockstars try to make themselves through their music and by linking this idea through that medium, it makes them more engrossed with the way they display vampires in the film.

Another unusual thing about this film is it has two versions of its poster unlike the other films I have researched. Obviously this one is much horror orientated compared to the original as the poster has a red tint over the image, connoting the blood once again from the colour being an obvious sign of it and the carnage caused by the vampires in their pursuit for it. Yet the most terrifying element of it is the images of the vampires themselves in the background which are not present on the original, completely going against the previous idea of making vampirism look more glamorous and instead going for the more horror orientated approach which can be seen as harmful to attracting its intended audience who were teens but this poster makes it suited towards more adults. This is contributed from the chaotic style and the effects that look similar to tears or smeared blood, again linking back to the earlier point of the more destructive personality of the films vampires and not the rock star style like in the trailer above. We also get a better look at the typography which is en-keeping with the traditional Gothic writing seen on most vampire films and enforces the genre of film it is.

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