Thursday 15 December 2011

Final Project Design Element - Poster Designs (Final)

These are the final designs for my posters which make up the design task. They are likely the final desgins but may be tweaked a little if new photos are taken etc. but I am happy with these designs overall. They convey the side of the vampire film I want to portray with the much darker and violent style compared to the modern day vampire films like "Twilight" which use more desatured blues and golds to connote it more teen orientated and romance focused. Mine has gone back to the original horror colour scheme of black, red and white immediatly giving it the sense it is certainly not like modern vampires in terms of chosen genre by focused more to the horror side like it originated, yet still modern so it doesn't completely alienate itself from today's audience with setting and certain elements of it being based on more modern vampire lores so people can still follow and understand the project. It could be described as an alternate to "Twilight" as this focuses on the horror and supernatural elements rather then the romance so if people didn't like that, they could see this and watch something more back in line with the original vampire films.

When you look at the posters, they are quite heavly based of the "Blade" one in my research with the colour scheme, the central actor in the middle of the single posters and the typography being key in helping connote the style and genre of the film. With mine, it has hints at gothic elements and looks more scratchy and jagged which gives it a much more horror style feel as if the text has been slashed by claws, each helping connoting the monstrous nature of the characters. Mainly as it looks like the text is wasting away with its broken and drained appearance from the effect that has been put in it, contrasting the nature of the characters as well as since they are vampires, they never age or die while everything else around them keeps aging and wasting away, just like the text used which connotes just how unnatural they are and helps enforce that while they look human there are actually monsters.

The tagline shares the same typography for the same reasons and to fit in with the  overall scheme and aim of the poster (to connote it as a vampire film going back to its horror roots) but the actual wording helps explain and shed a little light on to the character in the poster. For example, in Matt's his says "Sometimes forever is too long...". This gives us the immediate impression that he is sick of the immortality he possesses, finding eternity "too long" like he realises what he has become and just wants this curse he has to end after being tempted by the other character, Gabriel. As the beginning part of the tagline shows about how if you become a vampire you get the gift of living forever but the contrast between the two characters tries to show it can be a gift or a curse under different circumstances like in Gabriel's, we see how his says "Sometimes forever is not enough" instantly connoting how he embraces the gift he has and to him, it's not enough to enjoy his immortality.

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