Saturday 3 March 2012

Final Project - "Blood Debt" The Undying Cut

Blood Debt - The Undying Cut A2 Media Project from James Corker on Vimeo.

Here is the new cut for my "Blood Debt" film trailer with the few tweaks that Sir suggested. I added an extra sting to the moment where Matt kills the girl and his eyes turn black, it really mixed well with the existing tracks and added like a traditional horror type of screeching as the eyes jump to black and as he bites his victim. I also extended the Blood Debt title at the end as admittedly looking back through it, it was quite short so I extended it a second or two and added a little fade as it needed the screen allowing a smoother edit to the next shot and it also had minimal effect on the music track underneath it. I also had another go at fixing some of the audio as that is the weakest point at times. The voice-over by Matt after we see his death I took another take and replaced it whilst boosting the volume and its much more clearer and easily heard compared to the original one. The rest I tried going back and tweaking the volume and trying to eliminate more of the noise but its almost impossible to have clear, crisp audio when using the cameras (hence why I used my Dictaphone to do the voice-overs) so I cleaned it up best I could as couldn't re-dub the whole dialogue as you would be able to tell it was re-dubbed as no atmosphere to the vocals and not the same tone so it would have had a more harmful effect on the film trailer. So I cleaned up what I could, added some low, undertone music at parts to help mop up any distortion left over and hope it works.

Added the sting to Craig's black eye effect moment at the end of the trailer to give it the same sense of horror and the supernatural it does and makes it instantly recognisable as soon as you here the sting you know what to expect. and also added the green title card at the beginning "approving it for all audiences" to make it look like a official trailer. There were a few problems as well with some of the lighting of some shots, mainly the first scene of Craig talking as it had a unnatural high red bloom for some reason even though it rest of the shots filmed weren't like that. So I went back to it, tweaked the colour balance by lowering the red tones and reduced a little of the brightness to remove the sheen while boosting the contrast to compensate and I got it to look a lot more like the previous shots as it was incredible obvious before these tweaks. Another was the shot of the bloody hand, the lighting was off compared to the following shot but it was much easily fixed. Sir suggested desaturating the other flashback scenes as well since it was a little confusing and jarring to try and tell what is the past and present scenes. So whilst I was adding these effects to the two mentioned scenes, the lighting problem was fixed just by the effect and nothing else, the only thing was a lower threshold of the "Leave Colour" effect as red was more predominate in this scene and its a constant factor that is made present throughout  the project as blood being a key element of this genre of film and for the vampires themselves as highlights their blood thirsty but also dependent, addicted and also quite routine nature as their lives revolve around this one element to keep them alive. So I simply lowered the threshold to allow of the red to still be seen and stand out as many of the shots focus in on this blood and not being able to see it would be a waste and ruin the point of these particular scene.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great. Just one thing...

    The tag line on the poster is "first you have to die". I think you have "you have to die first" in the trailer.

    To be fair, I've seen the trailer about 5 times now and it's the first time I've spotted it, so it's not crucial. Certainly hitting top end whatever.
