Friday 11 November 2011

Final Project Design - Final Teaser Poster Designs

These are the final teaser poster designs for my project "Blood Debt". From the look and design, they are based off the "Blade" poster I decontrusted in my research. The 3 colour scheme of red, black and white, the central character in the middle and the background of a motif that fits with the vampire genre. In the "Blade" poster, we see the constant use of red in the background which is obviously connoting the blood element which is most recognisable part of vampire films as it immediately identifies it as the vampire genre. The font for the title is also vital to this poster as itself connotes the blood element through the colour it uses and the still of font which slightly Gothic in nature, connoting the older vampire films which focused on horror but has a modern twist with the slightly faded/scratched lettering to show how its not alienating the potential audience by going down the old horror roots. The background I think though is the one of the most visually important parts as apart from the obvious connotations from the colour red, the imagery used is quite visually striking. The effect was originally a lens flare that was bright white and various different white circles but I wasn't happy with it gave so I started to experiment with the tint and burn tools. I tinted the background red and lowered the saturation to make it darker then burned around the circles from the lens flare. What it did was change the circles into almost like blood cells, floating around in the "bloody" background and adding immensely to this darker type of vampire film I want to achieve. The character in black and white though was a tough choice as whether to use them in full colour or the black and white scheme. I tried the colour first but they did not fit as they didn't look pale or have anything that would portray them as undead creatures and give a frightening presence so I tried the black and white next and it immediately fit. The stark black and white gave the connotations that the idea of being a vampire is both a gift and a curse as you can live forever but you are forced to become a pure embodiment of evil since they must feed on other's blood, their life source, to sustain their unnatural ones and for some, forced to watch as everyone you knew wither and die in around you, creating this sense of that the glamour of immortality eventually fades since they will live for so long and look human yet no matter what are forced to follow their nature and blood-lust, sustaining their life which only prolongs the anguish of watching the world change around them.

1 comment:

  1. I think for your teaser tag lines you should have "Sometimes forever isn't enough..." and "Sometimes forever is too long..." For your main poster, you should use, "To live forever, sometimes you have to die."
