Wednesday 2 November 2011

Final Project - Half Term Progress Reflection

Well the half term has passed and it didn't go to plan at all. I intended to film most of my required scenes over the holidays but naturally, there were problems. The biggest one being people cancelling on me when we had organised the days of filing in advance. It happened a lot with a certain actor where they said it would be fine that day and then only to cancel  the day before, then I would reorganise the day for another but they would cancel again. So now, I'm behind on my filming and now my idea seems really ambitious to try and finish it so I have made a tough decision.

I have decided to scrap my original plan and go for my contingency plan since I'm working on my own and rely on many other people who keep cancelling on me. It will be a lot simpler then my last plan by reducing the amount of actors to a small group instead that I know who will make the filming days. The scenes will also be much shorter which means they can fit into a trailer much easier and be a lot simpler to film as they will likely be less problems, adding more variety to the trailer that was missing in my original project idea. So while this will require a lot of work to catch up with (even though its the same genre film etc. just a different plot) as I will need to do a new synopsis for the new trailer, storyboards and any scripts for the short scenes if needed. My research on codes and conventions, trailer deconstructions still apply as I'm not changing anything but the plot and cast so it will be manageable.

I will be posting the ideas and new storyboards I have been working on shortly (when have access to a scanner) and I'll give a quick brief outline of my new trailer idea. Instead of the complex relationship between the 3 original characters, it will instead focus on two vampires instead by showing how they both used to revel in their immortality before one wrongs another, resulting in a divide between them and making one try to redeem himself for his greed of wanting to live forever as it cost him his human companion. So it still retains this idea of the different views of vampirism like as a gift or a curse but this trailer also adds another twist as he is consumed with revenge so while he intends to get revenge for her, he is actually becoming the thing he hates once again. So it adds this moral ambiguity to it more clearly then the last idea. This is jsut the basics and a fully detailed one will be uploaded shortly.

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