Thursday 19 January 2012

Reflection of Project

In today's lesson, we refreshed ourselves with the criteria of achieving a level 4 and then looked at our products to see what level we would give ourselves for the print and the video products. I gave myself a level 2 for the video mainly due to the missing footage and the incomplete editing. I have most of the footage needed but missing some major narrative shots which greatly effects the overall quality and prevents completion of the product. Other areas of it like audio, effects and basic editing is good as I spent many lessons cleaning up my audio since it is a vital part of the trailer. I leaned how to apply a black eye effect to my actor to show that the trailer is a vampire themed trailer and also effects to change the lighting to create a more realistic mood, tone and improve the mise en scene whilst also fixing some of the shots that have some bad lighting problems. So to help pull up my level, it will be basically film the rest if the footage I need and finish the editing since the border is there, its just filling in the pieces.

The print however, was more positive since it looks good. The colour and typography suit the product very well with the red, white and blacks  and the slightly clawed writing which all enforce the more horror side I'm aiming for with this project. The tag lines as well help bring the initial message across about vampirism being a gift/curse idea since one enjoys it but the other has trouble dealing with it as its basically took everything from him. The only thing really wrong with it the actors photos as they aren't posed the best way since left over from the original idea so retaking a few photos would help along witha  few tweaks to the colours and positions of certain elements in the print based products.

1 comment:

  1. It would be interesting to see some ideas about how you intend to rectify the issues you note, unless you feel that you are happy with the outcome. Also, you might want to start tying things into the areas of consideration for the evaluation and the final exam, both of which should now start becoming a factor. I would also like to see some evidence of the work you have done on developing your video (particularly your use of After Effects) since this will be fairly crucial both in terms of genre (this has informed the choices and requirements quite substantially) as well as the use of technology. Note that you only have four blog posts since the start of the year when you should really have a minimum of three times that by this point.
