Sunday 19 February 2012

Blood Debt - Final Cut Ver. 2 (Improved)

Here is the improved version of my final cut. Mainly added a little extra piece of music to act as a sting for the front part and actually blended with the rest of the music quite well, increasing the tone and mood of the trailer and that particular moment much more. I also added a few sound effects of the neck breaking and the vampire bite but the latter doesn't seem right but I'll wait to see what people think before removing it. I fixed everything Sir noticed that was wrong or didn't work like changed the dissolves on the flash back and changed that scene where I was talking with no audio to something more fitting and actually a little more menacing. Also added a couple of fades on the title parts to make it a little smoother going into the the title and beginnings.

Will comment on the effects and upload the tests when I finish work.

1 comment:

  1. I still think the opening is a little flat - there needs to be something underlying it to create the sense of menace. Maybe it's the music you've chosen. There should perhaps be something more during the "significant" moments (for example, when the eyes turn black). The neck-break works; I think you need more of this kind of thing. There is a point when Craig says "to put it simply..." - is this meant to be the end of the phrase?

    I wonder if you could put some sort of rumble or similar effect under the inter-titles? Maybe something a little like liquid?

    You might want to do a slow, subtle zoom with the title at the end; it seems a little flat as it is. You might also want to have your blood background and fade it to black with the title over the top.

    Otherwise, this is very good - clearly L4 already, just trying to get it to the top.
