Tuesday 14 February 2012

Final Project - Final Cut (Rough)

Here is the rough final cut of my project. All the shots are in sequence, with basic effects and the specialised effects that are all part of the vampire genre (black eyes, fangs and a basic super speed effect all that are noted in my research). The company logos and Lionsgate opening are put into the correct order now and the ending part is firmly complete with a rather interesting scene of were a voice over plays about Gabriel joking about the death of Matt's girlfriend, giving a bit more depth to the overall trailer even if its very short. My favourite parts are the various vampires effects that I manged to recreate for my project. The black eye effect was the hardest to get right as if the track was off by a pixel, the track points would shift and you would visibly be able to see it was a matte. Thankfully the practise I had of trying it on some test footage allowed me to ensure it looked much more professional and well executed in the final project like when I become a vampire for example, Craig's final scene being the best one I done as it was the most accurate one done with a much better outcome, if the timing or the dissolve is a little off but that is more down to me not being able to do it as he is blinking since the track and matte would have to be different to the overall one. The growing fang effect was technically the hardest to produce due to the need to track then reverse track it otherwise the liquefy effect would not be able to stay in place. Thankfully it wasn't too difficult to produce thanks to tutorials on Video Copilot which guided me through it and helped me learn a variety of effects like stabilising footage, tracking, day to night conversations (weren't used as didn't fit the final cut) etc. The structure of the trailer is fairly modern with narrative shots then action shots at the end with the beginning being a lot stronger in editing then the ending which needs a little tweaking but the order is there, just needs a few extra features here and there and tighter editing.

The only thing not done is the music, proper titles and effects on some parts as they are taking quite a bit of time to perfect and make sure they suit the project. In all the narrative is clearly evident with the action shots near the spread out with a final title screen spilt into parts to help get the last message about the film across. It just needs the final tweaks of certain effects and improved titles to be finally complete.


  1. I'm not keen on the font you've used for the inter-titles. I would go with something more classical (it doesn't say "vampire" to me). Also, are you going to put any music/ sound over the studio idents? Is the "Pale Soul" ident going to be animated (have a look at Katie Boal's blog - AS group - her "Dynamite Kitty" logo is very good). The studio logos probably only need to be up for a couple of seconds each.

    I would be tempted to suggest fading through black a little less quickly at the start and in between the first few shots.

    The sound is still clearly a little messed up.

    I would fade more slowly to black at the end of the first BW sequence (about 0:27) and then fade in on the feet.

    Not keen on the continuity at 0:33 (jump from you in CU to you talking to Craig). Again, either fade through black or find something to cut away to?

    Another slightly awkward jump cut at 0:58 (or thereabouts, just after you bite Ellen) unless this is deliberate?

    There seems to be some inconsistency about how you are using black screens (sometimes you do, sometimes you don't).

    There is some awkward continuity at 1:29 (Craig in MLS on the wall, then CU with his hand at his lips). Again, some sort of fade through black is needed here?

    Some of the editing is a little slack - could do with tightening up particularly the action sequences towards the end.

    Are you going to do a title card for the end of the trailer?

    It's hard to make a judgement without the music. Assuming you clean up the sound and editing, this should be level four, but it's a little flat at the moment.

  2. Thank you for the comment sir, apologies that the rough cut was up late.

    Yeah the titles are mainly place holders as we discussed possible doing that blood splattered wall effect or what font would you suggest would be more suitable?

    Yes music will be played over the indents and I will do my best to animate the studio indent and will shorten them down considerable.

    I have tried cleaning up the audio the best I could and removed most of the background noise but still a little there so I hoped the music would help mask the last of the noise.

    I will sort out the other misplaced edits, thank you for pointing them out and getting a reply back quickly so I can get them sorted as soon as possible.

    Was wondering if the use of more shorter titles for the action scene is good to do or would just going through the scenes work better? Think the last seen of the CU of Matt with the voice over to the title is a good way to end it then have Craig's final bit leading to the coming soon title and then the title card or vise versa.
