Tuesday 20 September 2011

Project Pitch - Tears Wept in Blood

Evaluation of "Tears Wept in Blood" Pitch

Overall, I think my pitch went generally well. I managed to talk about each aspect of my project and how they adhere to the codes and conventions of typical/modern vampire films through the use of colour scheme, voice overs etc. The questions I was asked were answered with confident knowledge on how the trailer would be structured and how it would be easily identifable as vampire genered film. Yet it did bring some problems with my project to light. The main one being with the film poster design task. My original idea was to have one poster with all the characters on it but Sir idenifed that it would detract attention from the characters who wouldn't be at the centre so the idea to make 3 seperate posters fixes this problem as the "Harry Potter" films did this for the last film since each of the characters were as importnant as each other. It also allows the audience to gain a little insight into each characters since they drive the narrative of the story so when we Dacrual's poster, it will come with a quote to make it easily identifible that he is the antagonist and the oppisite for Matt and Rose. On a personal note from the pitch, it made me realise that some extra research couldn't hurt as it would help me later in the production when linking each product tot he source material and each other, whilst also giving me better insight into how a vampire film should be structured and how its aimed at its potential audience. A detailed post on audience is desperatly needed to help ensure my project is much more focused and true to the genre it intends to be. So I will be focusing on digging deeper into the codes and conventions of vampire films, the audience that watch them and my target audience along with poster designs for each character, ready for when filming begins along with the photography.

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