Tuesday 20 September 2011

Update on Project Focus for New School Term

After shooting the test footage during the holidays, it has given me some insight in what to do next with my project. It has shown me what parts can go wrong or simply don't work, highlighting the fact that I need to do some more and exstensive replanning of my project to eliminate these problems and gurantte a much higher quality product. Extra research is also needed to help me link together the design pieces to the trailer and to get a better focus on who my intended audience are exactly so I get the style of each piece right. Some of these flaws were made clear during my pitch to the class about my project like the potential problem with doing a single poster as it will alienate some of the characters when all 3 are essiental to the narrative I'm trying to create. It gave birth to the idea of doing 3 seperate posters for example, one for each character, similer to ones done for the lastest "Harry Potter" films. It helped me flesh out my ideas and to take a step back from jumping head first into the project pieces, making me go back and do any extra or potentially, missing research.

So my blog posts over the coming weeks will focus on any research that is needed like a post on my intended audeince and improved codes and convetions od the vampire style/genre. Also I have done some extensive design work to better prepare myself for the upcoming tasks like potnetial magazine and poster ideas along with an actual script being produced with other neccesary paper work. I will be embedding my pitch on a later blog as well so it can be viewed by others and hopefully commented on to pick out any other problems, potential ideas or any general comments about my intended project. I will be uploading my work once it is completed and scanned in.

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