Sunday 9 October 2011

Final Project Planning - Costumes and Props

For my project, in term of costumes they need to suit the personality of the characters as mentioned in earlier posts.

Rose is a detective/FBI agent so her outfit needs to reflect this, like office attire (white shirt, trousers, jacket like possible blazer or formal jacket) so its practical for work in the field and also if an office. This instantly connotes her as serious with her job and also represents her as a stronger character and female protagonist as to be in this job it requires great strength and will with other outstanding qualities so it goes against the usual connotations of females being the victims in this horror genre. Props needed for the character personally are her badge to identify her as a detective/FBI agent and a prop gun used to defend herself from her encounter with Dacrual so during days of filming when Stephanie as Rose is needed, these props must be present.

Matt is the other protagonist within the trailer and is tasked with protecting Rose. In earlier posts, the character is described as more archaic in appearance due to him being alive for so long and plagued by the years of violence he used to commit with Dacrual. So his appearance is much more heavy in nature and deliberately contrasts Dacrual's from his thick, leather biker jacket and heavy, unpolished boots, all of which connotes how he has grown tired from trying to resist the violent side of his nature every single day and that he wants to distance himself from Dacrual's elegant appearance and homicidal nature. Props for this character include mainly the fangs to signify him as a vampire along with the make up to fit in with the codes and conventions of typical vampire appearance. The character will also possible possess a fake knife in the scene where he rescues Rose from Dacrual, depending on the final outcome of the scene in planning.

Dacrual is the antagonist and is after Rose for a ritual which requires her sacrifice (this will not be shown in the trailer so it doesn't give the entire plot away). His costume is the opposite of Matt's. Modern, elegant from the fine leather jacket and shirt with polished shoes which allows him to blend into society a lot easier. All so he can kill with greater ease. This character fully relishes in his violent side, killing out of pure enjoyment as seen in the scene with Rose when "he admits to getting carried away". This costume is used to connote him as having aged with the years a lot more pleasantly then Matt has, enjoying each new century with twisted glee as it gives him something new to try out in terms of clothes and humans. Props for this character are similar to Matt, fangs and make up to connote them as vampires but with Dacrual getting shot, the blood shooter is needed for this character to simulate the gunshot wound.

The extras needed are Victim 1 who is dressed in simple clothes (white shirt etc. old clothes basically to allow the use of fake blood without too many problems) to connote him as simply a lowly informant for Dacrual before being savaged by the vampire. The agents needed follow the same costume as Rose since they are all in the same profession so share the same uniform, props such as guns will not be needed due to them mostly getting killed by Dacrual before hand.

A special case goes to the character Celina, the twin sister of Rose who appears in a flashback sequence. The same actor can be used but will require a different look to distinguish them from each other so like hair tied up instead of down, more casual outfit etc. Since we discover that she is in fact a vampire and means Dacrual can't use her for the sacrifice,  he kills her as she is now useless to him. So she will need a set of fangs as well and make up too but somewhat more subtle since she has been turned recently.

Here are the costume and props sheets needed by each character in each current scene so they have an idea of what the costume they need. I have left it open to freedom of choice so they can wear something that they are comfortable with so they look more natural then if wearing something that doesn't look like it fits the actor.

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