Monday 10 October 2011

Final Project Planning - Script (Rough Copy)

Here are several pages from my rough script for my project. I am writing out the full scenes of the ones I intend to use for my trailer so the shots look a lot more fluid when edited together and also allow me more potential shots to use, making it much easier to construct this limited narrative a trailer has whilst retaining some form of enigma. This script is generally a rough scene 2 where Rose encounters Dacrual, getting a glimpse into this unknown, supernatural world but it is a little incoherent and doesn't fit well at parts (evident by the annotations around the page) so I am going over it and making some much needed improvements ready for the actual filming soon. I plan to extend the scene in areas, mainly the conversation between Rose and Dacrual like adding some more supernatural elements (suddenly appearing behind her shoulder and back again) to help build up the tension and also connote that the genre is supernatural horror. The ending however, is being kept in as its a perfect way to possibly end the trailer with, the somewhat creepy line as it focuses on his crooked smile and black eyes before leaping towards the camera.

The death of the agent is also being kept in as it adds to the horror and suspense whilst also showing off the supernatural nature of the character by when he grabs the first agent by the neck, off camera people will help lift him up to make it look like he is stronger then humans and makes the impact of having his neck broken as he drops to the ground much more powerful and dramatic.

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