Friday 7 October 2011

Final Project - Planning

To help ensure my final project runs smoothly, I will be producing certain pieces of documentation to make sure each part is planned and finalised so that each part of filming or design work goes as originally planned and avoids any contingency plans that will be set up in case this unfortunately happens. The documentation will consist of this elements:

  • Production Schedule
  • Prop Sheets
  • Costume Sheets
  • Call Sheets
  • Clearance for actors/locations/music
  • Booking Sheets resources/venues
  • Meetings with cast/crew
  • Contingency plans
  • Risk Assessments/Health and Safety
  • Location log sheets
  • Edit Decision log sheets
  • Storyboards
  • Completed Production Script/Scenario
  • Personal Comments/Logs
  • Pitch - (Completed)
  • Treatment - (Completed)
When one is completed, I will update this post with a sign next to which one is currently completed.

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