Wednesday 19 October 2011

Final Project - Production Schedule Update

In a previous post, I uploaded my production schedule about what would be happen over the coming weeks so this update is to basically comment on if I have progressed according to plan. Unfortunately, in terms of filming, it has not gone according to schedule due to certain actors not being able to make it due to other commitments so the half term week off will be dedicated to picking up the filming that will be needed and shoots that have to be re-planned. This time has not been wasted however as it has allowed me to improve on some aspects of my planning.

After the previous test footage gathered (still needs some more editing but delayed due to a few problems in terms of footage that is usable to show the basic intentions of my trailer), it showed some problems with my original idea as I was originally shooting only the pieces needed for the trailer which while saves time overall, it brings a lot more potential problems as in no leeway in usable footage, higher chance of continuity problems etc. so now I am doing it in full scenes so I have a lot more workable footage and allows a greater chance for the narrative to work. I have all the scene scripts in rough form which are being posted on my blog with brief comments on the point of the particular scene and potential problems, the neat copies are being typed up and posted so any cast and crew can look at them if needed. Also, my storyboards needed improving after the rewrite of my trailer so I'm doing a set for each scene and one for the general order the trailer will go in. They will posted soon as I have finished the scene one storyboards to a standard I'm happy with while the others are still being finished off.

In terms of actual design work, the intended photo shoot that was scheduled to take place on Wednesday 12th did actually go ahead and we got some very useful photos thanks the Director  of Photography, Rachel Fairbairn who I greatly appreciate for taking the time to bring her camera and take the shots. Also a thank you to Stephanie Cubello and Craig Mullen, my main actors who also took time out from their busy schedules to help with the shots needed for my magazine and film poster. Without these people, it wouldn't have been as a great success. So with these photos, it has allowed me to work on some possible designs for the design part of my task which I'll be posting when its in a presentable state. I will also post some of the photos on my blog to show which ones I'll be using for the magazine and the posters.

So in all, the planning is almost finished ready for the half term filming with some work going into the design tasks if there is a sudden change in my schedule where filming can't be done like if I'm at home and don't have access to the materials or programmes to do the rest of the planning. Just a few finishing touches are needed to storyboards and scripts before being posted as I would rather have them to a high standard before posting as it takes time to scan them all so completed copies are more efficient then uploading them all. Other pieces of work will be uploaded rough as they act as guidelines for the neat version and show how they have progressed.

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