Friday 14 October 2011

Final Project Planning - Script Scene 2 - 1st Encounter (Rough Copy)

Here is the rough version of my script for Scene 2 - 1st Encounter. This scene deals with Rose encountering her first vampire, Ryan Dacrual, who is the main antagonist in the film. We see elements of what these type of vampires are like compared to the current generation of vampires, instead of the hapless romantic, Dacrual is nothing more then a sadistic killer. In the scene, he dispatches two agents in the space of a few seconds like breaking the seconds neck with little effort and also he plays games with Rose, taunting her and disappearing and reappearing to show that he is in fact a supernatural creature who can easily survive a gunshot wound. For the trailer, its mainly uses the scenes of Dacrual disappearing and his killings of the other agents to help connote the vampire in this case as a much more terrifying being compared to the current outlook, as it is my intention for this trailer to go back to the original horror roots and portray vampires as not creatures trying to play human but instead the perfect predator, one who clan blend into their environment, who are stronger and faster then anything else on the earth and only hunger for one thing, human blood.

In terms of potential changes or problems, its mainly down to the fact if I can get sufficient actors for the extras needed since while they have very small parts, if they aren't convincing in their roles it will dampen the over all effect of the trailer but since it will likely not have their dialogue, it can easily be managed. Also the vanishing act part and the shooting have to be filmed the right way to capture the effect in the most realistic way possible as where the camera is placed is vital to make it look professional and convincing. I will do a separate post of effects I want to recreate for my trailer but while it may not be a vampire style show, the effect will be relevant.

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