Wednesday 19 October 2011

Final Project - Project Reflection

In this project, there are many things different from my AS project. Firstly being that, I'm working on my own instead of working in a group. It is incredibly different as obviously the workload is much more intense since there are no group members to split the tasks with like one can do the storyboards while the other storyboards. So while its a lot harder to keep up with the many different aspects of the project, it does however have its benefits as it offers the greatest control over the project too. There is no disagreements between group members so my original vision can be done without compromise but with this creative freedom comes the price of having a much larger workload that I can not share between group members so working alone can be seen as a double sword with greater freedom at the cost of greater workload. Yet I don't mind this as it allows me to challenge myself and see if I can improve from my AS piece which was also a trailer so it makes it easier to see if my skills have developed further in terms of planning, pre-production and the production stages like better initial planning like storyboards, scripts etc. which while done at AS must be more detailed to show development and also achieve the higher grade levels.

I have shown improvement in areas already in terms of the planning stage as in the previous project, we did a storyboard and story outline but we didn't follow it entirely and it was very basic in the way it was done. We quickly and easily deviated from it as we discovered much better ideas when filming so we shot it blind essentially which while really paid off in our production, you can't do that for every project as it can lead to incoherent narratives or just generally unusable footage if it doesn't suit the original idea. For this project, I have done an excessive amount of script writing for scenes that I need to help explain this narrative I want to show and also act as a contengicey plan since the amount that would be filmed would give me a lot of leeway in terms of footage so if one shot doesn't work then there are many others that can be used. One doesn't fit or help with the narrative, can be taken out and replaced with another. This wasn't much of a problem with the AS piece as we got most of the shots we wanted but we didn't have many extra shots in case of this problem so to prepare for this, I have done such planning.

Another feature of my project so far is the way its fitting in with my research into codes and conventions and past vampire film trailers. At the start of the project and mainly after the test footage, it didn't feel like it fitted in with the current genre by lacking that supernatural feel to the characters or the created world within the trailer. So I went back, did extra research on vampire films, took another look at the film trailers and rewrote most of my scripts and storyboards to incorporate these elements into the trailer. A prime example is the part in scene 2 when Dacrual kills the agents with ease and does the vanishing act which vampires are known for in films like "Blade" when he does "The Batman Trick" of suddenly disappearing and/or reappearing. Another is the way every vampire's eyes turn black to signify them as belonging to this group of supernatural beings and instantly portraying them as not be entirely trusted regardless of if they are friendly or not since they could easily turn if they are consumed by blood-lust. There is also the small attempted feeding scene between Dacrual and Rose in scene 3 and not forgetting Dacrual's savaging of the Victim's throat in scene 1, all giving that much needed sense of fear to the trailer and showing the typical codes and conventions of a horror based vampire film.

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